Thursday, October 1, 2009

Autumn Hikes Under Brilliant Cascades of Colour

At the close of a hectic week in the bustling city of Halifax there is nothing more relaxing and mind-clearing than a hike. Nova Scotia is teeming with trails; ocean hugging, ambling creekside paths, craggy rock escarpments or deep woods mystery. Whatever mood takes you, whatever scenery calls, choice abounds. One is out of the city in the blink of an eye and trail bound in moments. The sounds of the highway fading in just a few moments.

Yet all these trails are bordered or bedecked with autumns cascading colours. Along the Cape Split trail you climb under deep green firs and pines into a yellow-hazed canopy of poplars and beech tickling the heart and chuckling in a soft breeze. Skies are crisp blue, clear and filled only with possibilities.

Along the shore trails one moment you're idling under a scarlet fall of red maple leaves and mottled brown maples, broken here and there with a brilliant sliver of yellow. Along lakes stand sturdy walls of conifers accented by yellows, browns, reds and oranges, sometimes the shoreline seems to shimmer and laugh as the leaves let fall their summer burden preparing to settle in for the winter snows to come; their long languid sleep at hand.

One is taken to smile at a bounding Nova Scotia duck toller retriever, tail wagging, perhaps a stick in mouth seeking a lakeside to leap into. The air often crisp with the loamy scent of the fallen leaves underfoot, the gentle crunch of pine needles releasing just a hint of pine into the air.

No matter your mood, an autumn hike in this province can only leave your mind refreshed. Perhaps the only yearning that of a steaming mug of tea a hot apple cider or seeing the tired, content smiles of the kids wrapping their hands around a heavy mug of thick hot chocolate. Just another one of those small things in Nova Scotia that makes it a jewel on Canada's east coast.

(Photo Credit: Peter of the Port on Flickr)