Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Clouds of Nova Scotia

Clouds. Yes, we get our share of them in Nova Scotia, but as we say around here "if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes..." it's close enough to true. Part of the distinct advantage of living on the coast of one of the most dynamic oceans in the world.

As I looked at the clouds in the setting sun yesterday evening, I realized why so many artists have been inspired in this province hanging by a thread off the eastern edge of Canada. The warm haziness and soft yellow of the sun dappling the backyard. If clouds could smile, they must have been, with the sun tickling their bellies in the fading day.

The clouds in Nova Scotia seem to set a tone everyday. Large and bulging with the threat of rain, scattered and loose like escaped cottonballs or stretched and thin with neither promise nor mirth. One minute you'll feel the drama set by the clouds and the next they are wistful.

Inspiring either way. Just one of those small things in this little place off the Atlantic...

(Image: Courtesy, "Dave the Haligonian" on Flickr)

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